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Used some of these here - thanks for the models!

Glad you like them!


Hey! Awesome model set! Are these compatible with the Unity Terrain Tree Brush tool? I've been playing around with it for a while but haven't been able to apply them in large quantities. When i select any tree with the treebrush option, only the barks will place down. Any idea how to fix that? Thanks!

Hey there glad you like it! To be honest no idea, it should work because as far as I know Unity Terrain Brush Tool works with most models, maybe it's changing the textures or materials in some way?

Seems to be only using up the bark part of the model, since the top part is a child object of the bark.

Oh yeah, I assume Unity Terrain only takes the parent model which is the trunk, to fix that you would need to join the meshes together

Can i use this asset for my game ?

i will make the game for public

sorry for bad english

Yes, no problem! Check the license for more information :)



Actually i am trying to build a horror game around a simple 3d enviournment and wanted to ask you about uisng these assets for the use in my game.


these are CC0 assets so you can use them freely without needing permission

Yes that's right, thank you!

I used trees and bushes from this pack and grass from another one of your packs in my game Sarpedon that just released. I think they look great and they were super easy to work with. Thank you so much for the incredible assets, your page is linked in the credits!

Thank you so much and glad you like it, the game is looking great :D

Can i use it for commercial game? I will credit you in game

Yes no problem!

Deleted 141 days ago

Hmmm not sure, I tested and didn't got the error, maybe check your importing settings?

Deleted 142 days ago

Oh I see, how the models look like on Unreal? If I'm not mistaken smoothing groups affect how the model reacts with light, I think it should work fine.

I kind of got it to work, but now the model has the tall gray textures around them how could I move it?

Can I see how it looks like?


Goated, thanks dude, this is great for horror games. I appreciate ya.

Glad you like it! Share your game when it's done :)


Thank you so much!! Can I use them in UE5? How can I connect the texture to the material there?

Thank you for helping!! :)

Hey there, check this comment, it should work well :)


Oh yes it worked now :D Thank you!! <3


Amazing !!!
Ill use it for a tiny game soon 

Sounds great!

Thank you so much. I'm crediting you in my game!


Glad you liked it! Link me your game when it's done :D


Thank you so much this helped me out a lot!!!

That's awesome to know, you're welcome!


Are this and the nature pack fully CC0 although some content is from Pixabay?

Yes, Pixabay license is almost the same as CC0 they only don't allow reposting their stuff in a non transformative way (which these assets are already transformative), everything else is okay as far as I know.


Okay, thx.

FBX importing isn't working for me for Godot, it wants gltf files.


Yeah, gltf works best for Godot

Lol right, do you plan to add GLTF files?


Maybe in the future, for now you could import to blender and export it to gltf.


Gracias ahora mi proyecto de juego de terror está casi listo 

Excelente! :D

Fantastic pack, the trees look amazing, they're as low poly as they can be while still looking great.

Thank you for uploading this!


Glad you like it!

Thank you very much! You saved me from a lot of time. God bless you

I'm glad it's useful, thank you for downloading!


Yo bro thank you for that package <3


Glad you like it!


Wanted to say this is a fantastic pack! I'm currently working on a retro PS1 racer and I was getting bogged down by the amount of trees and they just didn't match exactly what I was looking for. However, this pack is closer to the type of trees used in NFS High Stakes which is a major inspiration. I used the textures included to create a repeating texture for barrier walls to save performance and give the illusion of depth, thought that I'd share it!


I'm glad it's useful! The repeating texture looks great!

If you need more variety check my Retro Nature Pack too


Game isn't available for download till October 31st, but i used these in a Halloween PSX horror game here:

Here's the trailer for a sneak peak!

Thank you so much!

Wow I love how that looks, awesome job!


thanks 🙏 put a lot of love into this project 😊

That's always great to see!


Hi, thank you for the trees!  They were perfect for my first game jam horror game.

Glad it's useful! Your game looks cool!

Hi! Thanks for the asset. I am having issues with the trees in Unity. The trees are just images.

Hey, I'm glad it's useful!
Follow the importing tutorial and it should look good

Thanks so much!! This helped. (:


these are awesome, thank you some much

Glad you like it!

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes go for it! Don't forget to show me your game!


Thank you so much, these look awesome. Great work!

Thank you!

Hi! Despite the fact that the description says that this package can be used in my games, I still want to clarify, can I use these trees in my commercial game? (And you can briefly describe the license "Pixabay", I have a link to it does not open) Thank you in advance.

Yes you can use it on commercial projects for sure!
The license is CC0(
Pixabay is the website where I got the tree images to make the textures, they allow commercial use too.


Vlw man, mt bom. (Tava afim de prototipar um game porem como so quero testar/validar preferi usar modelos/meshes estilo ps1 ou n64, porem do jeito que essas arvores ficaram no game, acho que vou acabar fazendo o game todo low poly/psx haha)


Isso ae man, eu sou muito fã desse estilo kk
Da uma olhada no meu perfil, tem uns pack bem legal se tiver precisando :D


The Brazuka man? BR né? aposto. 


Sim :)

Dude thanks this is just what i need for my game!!!<3

Oh great! :D

Great work. An excellent pack. They don't suit my current game but your models inspired me to make my own similar ones with fruit/berries on them. 

Thank you! Hope you make some awesome stuff!


great idea with the models. Really helps reduce draw calls so simple but effective 

(2 edits)

Yeah, even though it's quite low poly already, I tend to put a lot of attention on making it as optimized as possible


great idea with the models. Really helps reduce draw calls so simple but effective 


hi i really like the trees but i have a problem when input the .png file the transperent parts are black. do you know how to fix it or anyone else? im useing Godot


Hello! You just need to check the option "Use Alpha Scissors" on the "Parameters" section of the material, for more detailed information check out my video:


thank you very much, I really appreciate it


You're welcome! I'm glad you like my stuff! :D

Hey! Thanks a lot for your asset, they are great! I've made a  game using it , and I credited you in the game page! Here is the link in case you want to check it out :

Sorry for the late reply, no idea how I missed this, but thank you so much for the credits, your game looks very cool! Stay tuned for more asset packs!

Deleted 3 years ago

Having trouble with the trees Blender

(1 edit) (+1)

If you are using the Principled BSDF node connect the Image Texture's Alpha to it's Alpha. 
Then on the material's settings change the Blend Mode from "Opaque" to one of the Alpha options, I prefer "Alpha Hashed" but "Alpha Blend" and "Alpha Clip" may work the same or better for you.
On the Image Texture node change the texture interpolation from "Linear" to "Closest".


The issue was i didn't  have my alpha connected to alpha input on shading thank youuu

You're welcome!


This is amazing.

I'm glad you like it!


I adore this style. Great work!

Thank you! Stay tuned for more!


I have issues getting these to work with UE. Is there a specific way I should be importing these?


What are the issues? I never tested importing to UE but it should work like every other engine, take a look at this

I gave it another shot just now. It doesn't seem to want to import correctly and if I work around the issue the trees won't look right. It could be that I'm still importing them incorrectly but I've tried importing into level, dragging the full folder into the game content, and even individually importing the assets and plugging them together manually. 

Manually plugging the assets in does work but the trees don't look right and I think that could be because I'm not too sure how to properly mask things out and all that. 

I feel bad bugging you but do you have any other ideas I could try?

(2 edits) (+2)

Oh don't feel bad, I'm always down to help!
I never tried Unreal before but I just downloaded it to test a bit, my low end computer barely runs it haha

So first you need to import the fbx and it's respective png texture like normal, first double click the png and change the texture filter to nearest:

Then double click on the material and change the Blend Mode to "Masked":

After that you drag the png image to the material and arrange it like this:

And it works!

Looks weird with this shading but I'm sure you know how to make it better, make sure to disable mipmaps and stuff like that.

Anyway I hope it helps, feel free to ask if you have more questions!

Thank you so much, was struggling with this.

Glad it's useful!


Thanks for making such lovely trees :)

I'm glad you liked it! :)


These are so leafy and lovely! Thank you :) I hope to find a use for them in the near future and will dl then.

Thank you!
If you do something please let me know, I would love to check it out! :D


I ended up using a few of your beautiful trees and bushes to try out some weird godot lighting in this project. Thanks again for sharing this pack!!!

Sounds awesome! I will take a look :)


Really awesome work dude!


Thank you! I'm finishing a new project in this style, stay tuned!

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